Meraki Yoga

What is Meraki Yoga?


People often say to me “I’m not flexible! I’m not bendy  enough to do yoga!” These are exactly the people we want at class! A teacher once compared this to saying you’re too dirty to take a shower! Yoga isn’t about thin bendy people putting their bodies into all kinds of positions and I think social media has not helped this unrealistic image.  Yoga should be all-inclusive and non- judgmental always! We call my classes “Keeping it Real Yoga”

Yoga is a chance to have an hour to be present and learn to let the thoughts and worries go, to connect with your breath which you will see is both powerful and calming, to strengthen your body,  release tension, stretch your tight muscles, improve flexibility, balance, focus, concentration and finish with a relaxation. There are so many benefits!


My wonderful yoga tribe are a mix of all ages, and abilities from all walks of life. Everyone works at their own pace and I always give options for easier or more difficult variations so everyone feels comfortable.  I have lots of people who have been with me many years along with lots of new participants too. I am proud and grateful for my little Yoga community!